In stock Accumulators Samsung 18650 35E plius head Samsung AB1865035G €3.990 With the plius polaryti head On Samsung 18650 3500mAh cell is welded plus poliarity head . All industrial cells are original flat. The cells have bad to seek contact. The + contact good connects properly. Add to cart
In stock Accumulators 18650 battery 3200mAh with USB RLP18650/32 €9.400 3,6V Ličio akumuliatorius 18650, 3200mah su apsauga ir įkrova per mini USB . 18650 didelės talpos baterija, su elektronine apsauga, Baterija supakuota į daugkartinio naudojimo dėžutę gamyklinį. Kartu su įkrovos USB laidu. Minimali talpa 3100 mAh, Tiesioginis įkrovimas per mikro USB lizdą! Kaina vieno vieneto. Akumuliatoriaus ilgis 2-4 mm ilgėja, todėl... Add to cart
In stock Accumulators Terrae battery INR18650/20P 2000mAh 3,6V Xcell INR18650/20P €3.500 Terrae INR18650-20P 18mm diameter 65mm height. 3.6V 2000mAh. up to 30Ah load current. High current cells. For tools. Add to cart
In stock Chargers / Power supply Charger Keeppower L1-V2 Keeppower KL1/1 €9.900 LCD Keeppower L1 V2 smart charger for lithium-ion batteries (this is a new version).Compatible with all USB ports with 5V output.Can be charged: 10440 / 14430 / 14500 / 14650 / 16340 / 18350 / 14650 / 16650 / 17500 / 17670 / 18500 / 18650 / 22500 / 26500 / 26500 / 26500 / 265070 (unprotected).The charging current is selected via a switch500mAh for: 10440... Add to cart